
ECLOF in Sri Lanka: Still helping families resettle after 30 years of war
ECLOF Sri Lanka
28 April 2020/by BarbaraECLOF featured in Calvert Impact Capital’s Borrower Spotlight: how ECLOF in Kenya accompanies smallholder farmers turning dairy agribusiness
22 March 2020/by BarbaraNew social performance report issued on ECLOF Kenya
2 April 2019/by BarbaraBuilding a diversified family business from scratch
15 January 2019/by BarbaraTowards greater social justice: Welsh churches invest in ECLOF
ECLOF Partnership
4 December 2018/by BarbaraFrom a micro business to a small enterprise with organic oyster mushrooms
ECLOF Armenia
27 November 2018/by BarbaraECLOF Ecuador blows its 40th candle
ECLOF Ecuador
5 November 2018/by BarbaraECLOF partners with Calvert Impact Capital: Making the world more equitable and sustainable through investment
ECLOF Partnership
12 October 2018/by BarbaraECLOF NEW FILM
ECLOF Network
1 October 2018/by BarbaraCooperative savings and credit society COOP ECLOF launched in the Dominican Republic
ECLOF Dominicana
5 September 2018/by BarbaraCommunity health event hosted by ECLOF and Adventist Hospital in Palawan
ECLOF Philippines
15 June 2018/by BarbaraEnterprise training for HIV-infected women in India
4 April 2018/by atelierssudAligning money and mission: ECLOF joins the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR)
8 February 2018/by atelierssudCommunity engagement: ECLOF Philippines staff organize a day out with indigenous Agta clients
ECLOF Philippines
14 December 2017/by atelierssudECLOF Myanmar featured in leading Social Performance resource
ECLOF Myanmar
15 September 2017/by atelierssudInnovation in housing microfinance: ECLOF Dominican Republic awarded “Most innovative microfinance institution” at CITI 2016 Microenterprise Awards
ECLOF Dominicana
15 December 2016/by atelierssudECLOF International celebrating 70th anniversary in Arusha
1 December 2016/by atelierssudBig impact with small loans
ECLOF Myanmar
24 November 2016/by atelierssudECLOF International celebrating 70th anniversary
28 September 2016/by atelierssudCredit and training for climate-smart agriculture: ECLOF Kenya’s CEO speaking at Microcredit Summit
24 February 2016/by atelierssudECLOF joins Banking with the Poor, Asia’s largest regional microfinance network
22 December 2015/by atelierssudAgricultural client of ECLOF Philippines awarded as community leader by Citi-Microentrepreneurship Awards
ECLOF Philippines
1 December 2015/by atelierssudTake Action by signing the petition! Join the Act Now for Climate Justice Campaign
3 August 2015/by atelierssudInvestment in ECLOF featured in Catholic fund’s newsletter
14 July 2015/by atelierssud