A Blood Donation Campaign and Trade Fair were organized by ECLOF for the small producers in the Kurunegala district of Sri Lanka in August. The natural water reservoirs in Kurunegala make agriculture the backbone of the region’s economy. Bricks, pottery, and dairy farming are additional revenue streams.

Through microfinance, ECLOF Sri Lanka (ESL) has been supporting such small-scale farmers and entrepreneurs in Kurunegala for the past 25 years. ESL organized its first blood drive and display at a nearby temple in 2023 in an attempt to motivate these producers after a series of economic shocks brought on by COVID-19 and political instability.

Blood Donation Campaign

A group of medical officers from Kurunegala Teaching Hospital contributed to the blood donation event. Roughly 50 individuals signed up and donated blood. In addition to refreshments, each participant received a certificate of appreciation.

Trade Fair

16 producers from 10 Kurunegala women’s development societies displayed goods such as clothes, plants, pottery, and cane items in the exhibition. ESL put up a separate stall to promote its services to the attendees. To appreciate their commitment, certificates were given to each exhibitor. The preschool kids of ESL clients received school supplies for their participation.

As a result of the event, 25 new borrowers joined ESL. It was a good opportunity to re-connect with clients and talk to them about their needs to improve their businesses and to understand how ECLOF can serve them better in their livelihood development. As part of its Human Development Initiative, ESL intends to hold more events of this kind in the future.