Oct 21, 2016 – Social performance—the effective translation of the mission into practice—is at the heart of what ECLOF does. ECLOF applies the Universal Standards for Social Performance, an accepted industry standard. ECLOF has started developing a social performance reporting framework that serves to systematically gather, analyze and present social performance-related information about the ECLOF network of microfinance institutions—for our own self-improvement but also for communicating it effectively  to our stakeholders. ECLOF Kenya is the first member for which a Social Performance Report based on this framework has been produced.

The report shows the great strengths ECLOF Kenya has developed in the area of social performance while also highlighting areas for improvement. Here are some noteworthy findings from Kenya:

ECLOF Kenya branches cover half of the poorest 24 counties in the country
30% of clients of Nyeri branch live on less than 1.25 USD/day; 60% live on less than 2.50 USD/day
16% of loans finance agricultural activities
The average outstanding loan size per client is small at just 10% of GNI per capita (MIX Market defines that loans up to 20% of GNI per capita are loans to the lowest income clients)
2 out of 3 clients would recommend ECLOF Kenya to their friends or business partners
There are more women than men employed at ECLOF Kenya
88% of all staff benefited from training in 2015
Besides loans for micro enterprise and agriculture, there are 6 loan products addressing basic needs of clients: loans for health, sanitation, home improvement, green energy, education and emergency loans
These loan products make up around 10% of the portfolio
Read the ECLOF Kenya Social Performance Report